Thursday, January 30, 2020

An Element of Art and Science Essay Example for Free

An Element of Art and Science Essay Astrology provides a very debatable kind of knowledge that is generally assessed by the intelligent as a useless kind of knowledge, which only makes sense for the ignorant. At the same time astrology is usually associated with gypsies and hucksters, who are known for their deceptive and fake knowledge, as they try to deceive people for their own financial interest. On the other hand, we find people with high education attempting to study astrology and very much respect the kind of knowledge it offers them. Whether such knowledge offered through teaching astrology in universities is worth doing or to be considered an inapplicable knowledge for high education is a critical decision to make, which requires obtaining a great insight about astrology it self as an academic field in order to be able to make a correct assessment. Astrology is actually a combined form of knowledge that both combine both the element of art and of science in its essence. It contains the mathematical element as well as the artistic element o symbolism (Astrology? 891). Scientists usually disregard the art side of astrology and focus on the basic mathematical part of it, as they judge it as useless and insignificant. This actually destroys the wholeness and balance within the realm itself. This may be considered a reason for misunderstanding the real value of knowledge in astrology. It is also a fact that every field is vulnerable to be used by ignorant people who devoid it totally of its meaning and value, in order to sell it as cheap as possible in a market of ignorance that unfortunately have many customers who are wiling to buy, again this helps in misunderstanding Astrology (Astrology? 891); and as there is the presence of the competent and the incompetent in every field, and people usually search for the best in every profession, so why exclude Astrology (Astrology? 896). Astrology requires a sophisticated kind of thinking as it combines artistic and scientific knowledge, it can therefore never be considered as insignificant knowledge. It may not be appreciated by scientists due to the artistic element provided within it, and their total dependence on reason for discovering reality since the onset of the renaissance; thus reviving such forms of knowledge actually, shows the evolution of knowledge and thinking that reflects the significance of intuitive forms of knowledge besides the pure rational ones. The astrological knowledge in itself consists of a natural balance between intuitive and rational knowledge, and disturbing this balance will only lead to the production of inconsistent forms of knowledge that seem to appear on the surface to help in the generation of misunderstandings regarding astrology. The argument of scientists against Astrology reflects the on going disagreement between scientific knowledge and intuitive forms of knowledge. Scientists never admit the truth in any intuitive understanding, and they usually regarded as invalid. They never accept the fact the mystery is part of reality and that the rational mind can never be able to reach full understanding of the universe. Astrology is a balanced kind of knowledge as it respects both forms of thinking, which in fact a respect for nature and for the human being as part of that nature. I feel that the purpose of a reading is to understand ones life challenges And potential, to provide an opportunity for self reflection and life Evaluation, as well as to confirm ones intuitive sense of what ones Life is about (Astrology? 895). Human beings as well as nature are made of matter and soul that can never be detached from each other as long as life is there. How can scientists reach the truth if they are actually altering the natural balance in life by looking for material proof and ignoring the intuitive reality of nature? The soul remains a mystery that can never be explained by scientific truth, and science can not resolve the question of life and death. There fore, accepting astrology as a significant form of knowledge by a scientist is truly a question of him admitting intuition as a part of reality. From another side, if the issue had not been on intuition, regarding astrology, it is still a form of knowledge that surely provides the individual with some insight about life and introduces him to different kinds of thinking; it should be even credited for this reason alone, my studies in Astrology, as well as in other fields, are attempts to understand the grand design of the whole (Astrology? 894). Scientists also accuse Astrological interpretive knowledge of not being exact stars incline but do not compel (A critical? 882), and this fact works against scientific logic which is sharp and determinant. But actually, life in it self is never exact or straight forward and clear as mathematical knowledge entails for instance. Astrology may actually provide the best for of understanding of life and nature; it allows people to understand reality the way it is without trying to alter its nature. The whole issue of prediction and future related knowledge can never be definite or fully explainable, to discuss future probabilities is much like giving a weather report (Astrology? 896). On the other hand, it should be admitted that Astrological knowledge may help in creating dependent and weak individuals, if they used it wrongly. It might lead them to spin in a cycle, which they might not be able to break. People can stress too much on the intuitive knowledge in Astrology and thus once again altering its balance of logic and intuition and thus getting again a wrong insight about life and nature, with an accompanied change in personality and attitude to life Astrology, when practiced as completely as possible, takes away from ach of us our right and duty to make our own personal decisions (A Critical? 882). In the case of a scientist who puts great emphasis on logic and excludes intuition, makes him a rough and rigid person who stands weak in front of the scientifically unexplained mysteries of the world; while in the case of the ignorant who does the opposite to give too much significance to intuition and disregards reason suffers another kind of weakness that creates a dependent and shattered personality. But again we must also admit that this would be the case with any field if wrongly interpreted. All in all, I believe that Astrology is a sophisticated form of knowledge that should be respected for the special thinking abilities it provides an individual who studies it. It also reflects on the importance of providing a balance between Art and Science, and thus between logic and intuition, which is found deep within the nature of man and the universe he lives in. I would very strongly recommend all institutions of high education to teach Astrology in order to correct the misunderstanding entitled to it, and thus expose the rich and deep knowledge it provides. Works Cited Bok, Bart J. A Critical Look at Astrology. The Humanist Costello, Priscilla. Astrology, Science or Abracadabra? Wellesley College.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

One Hundred Years Of Solitude :: essays research papers

One of the stated aims of Mà ¡rquez, as he said it, was to “tell a story just like my grandmother would have done it';. With the result in hand the conclusion must be that he has done it quite well. Mà ¡rquez has managed to capture the vivid language of story telling as well as having the story moving both " forward and sideways". Togheter with the extensive use of magic realism and the life of mankind portrayed in the village I ´m quite sure that it will take me many years before I even start forgetting the book. In the beginning of the book the reader is directly thrown into action with Colonel Aureliano facing the firing squad. With his thoughts we are taken several years back in time when Macao was a village of twenty adobe houses. This, the beginning of the town, could in a different light be seen as representing the begining of mankind , “clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.' ;. As the story goes on the town moves from utter igorance “ the world was so recent that many things lacked names'; and developes until we are in the modern time with the banana company, telephones and the union until it, towards the end of the book due to heavy rainfall, turns into an uncivilized town again before it ´s destroyed in a heavy storm. The cycle of the town starts and ends on the same point just as the development of the family and all actions, they all turn in cycles just as Ùrsula thanks to her old age found out. The way in which the story is written, with magic realism and the story evolving both forwards and sideways is one of the more unusual characteristics when, as a european, reading the book. The story gives the impression of moving sideways as the same incidents are retold from the view of different persons which means that events are put in a different order compared to other novels “Melquà ­ades had not put events in the order of man ´s conventional time, but had concentrated a century of daily episodes in such a way that they coexisted in one instant';. Magic realism, another specific South American characteristic, adds to the feeling of the narrator really just copying an old oral story. “ the boy brought him a cup of thick and steaming chocolate, which he drank without pausing to breath.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Evaluation of Cathay Pacific

Evaluation: Employee In our case, the Cathay Pacific Flight Attendants Union (FAU) did not satisfy with a new policy that required them to work at least 70 hours a month before they could swap shifts with colleagues and they thought this new policy had hurt their pay and lifestyle. Pay and benefits is one of the factors that affect job satisfaction of the employees and it is perhaps one of the most rewards employees would like to get in order to support their lives.So when the flight attendants union alerted that their usual benefits gain from the job has changed, they immediately voiced their concern and bargained with the employer to protect their rights. Moreover, the flight attendants viewed the new decision as the company’s measure to withdraw their benefits that they are entitled to receive, which are claimed to be clearly stated in the labor contract with Cathay Pacific. They argued to the employer that this action was illegal as the company did not communicate this dec ision with them beforehand.This can be explained by the principles of justice of the employees which consists of outcome fairness, procedural justice and interactional justice. In our case, interactional justice can be applied. A perception of interactional justice is a judgment that the organization carried out its actions in a way that took the employee’s feelings into account. It includes the explanation of decision to the employees, respectful treatment, consideration and empathy. Referring to our case, the employer did not notice the employees before the implementation of the new policy which made the employees think the company did not concern their opinion.As their feelings are being ignored by the employer, the flight attendants union strongly opposed this new policy and caused conflict with the employer. Through this case, we discover that conflicts cannot be avoided in the workplace since the management goals and labor union goals are always opposite. The management aims to lower costs and raise outputs, as in our case, Cathay Pacific wanted to increase the productivity of the flight attendants and ensured every one of them should work at least 70 hours a month before they could swap shifts with colleagues.However, the labor union aims at obtaining pay and working conditions that satisfy their members and of giving members a voice in decisions that affect them, and in our case, the flight attendants bargained with the employer not to accept the new policy which harm their benefits. As some degree of conflict is inevitable between workers and management, the labor union has a significant role to represent their members’ interests and resolving conflicts with employers. When more employees join the labor union, it can boost the bargaining power of the union as it represents more employees.The Cathay Pacific Flight Attendants Union represents over 5,800 cabin crew in Cathay Pacific Airways which is a high ratio. Collective bargaining is in deed one of the ways to manage conflicts. It can be defined as a voluntary, formalized process by which employers and independent trade unions negotiate, for specified groups of employee, terms and conditions of employment. Regarding our case, the union would like to negotiate with the management at first but received no response so the union threatened to take industrial action, including a work-to-rule or a potential strike to urge the reply of the management.The pressure of an impending strike deadline forces both union and management negotiators to make concession and resolve their differences. Threatening of going on strike is usually a weapon of the labor union because it will cause a big harm to the employer and that the union can gain more attention from the management and gain a higher chance to win the negotiation. Fortunately with the intervention of the Labor Department the dispute was brought to an end with an agreement signed to withdraw the swap restriction permanentl y.The Biggest Winner was the union, which gained more than 600 new Members as a result of the ordeal. Through this case, it is obvious that the labor union gain a high importance in representing the employees and bargaining with the employer in order to get their desired results. http://www. aspireaviation. com/2010/04/05/cathay-pacific-threatened-with-strike/ http://www. thestandard. com. hk/news_detail. asp? pp_cat=11&art_id=96074&sid=27482954&con_type=1 http://www. businesstraveller. asia/asia-pacific/news/cathay-pacific-cabin-crew-mull-strike http://www. cpafau. org. hk/eng/index/

Monday, January 6, 2020

Should we all become vegetarians Essay - 782 Words

Should all people become vegetarians ? As we can now observe, vegetarianism has become something fashionable, and the number of people who reject eating meat is constantly increasing. In Britain, for instance, over 5 million people have done it so far. It is obviously connected with the recent animal diseases, but this tendency is likely to spread on the other regions of the world. However, it is not only a fashion or fear of illnesses. I myself became a vegetarian about 2 years ago, and I can see a number of reasons why people should stop eating meat. They are mainly of ethic, economic and health type. Those who think in an ecological way should also be aware of how this meat consumption ruins our environment. I don’t have an intention†¦show more content†¦Life of such animal is full of pain and fear. It is a sad truth that nobody thinks about it while eating pork-chops. People often consider animals as a still matter, not living creatures. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It also needs to be pointed out that meat production industry is highly unfriendly to the environment. It has been proved that the results of this mindless actions are extremely harmful to the whole planet: trees are lost in creating farms for animal food, land is taken away from wildlife, additional erosion is caused, topsoil is lost, groundwater is wasted, and pesticide is excessively used. In fact, one chicken farm uses as much water as a little city. Few may know that this industry, compared to others, causes the biggest pollution at all. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One cannot omit the fact that there are some global economical problems caused by mass meat consumption, such as starvation. Cattle are fed soybeans, corn, and other grains that could be eaten directly by people. You can feed a cow 16 pounds of food, and only one pound becomes meat that people can eat. The other 15 pounds are waste. It has been proved that decreasing global meat production by 10% would allow us to feed additional 60 million people. I am convinced that it is a strong argument why all people should become vegetarians. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;On the other hand, some mayShow MoreRelatedThe Vegetarian Diet is Healthy and Saves the Planet Essay1441 Words   |  6 Pagesthe planet’s wellbeing. These are the reasons why the vegetarian diet should be chosen to make a change for a healthier and longer life; vegetarianism is proven as a healthy way to lose weight, it saves the planet’s ecosystems and it is also way to save money and resources. 1. Vegetarian diet is a healthy way to lose weight: a. The vegetarian diet is not a regular weight loss diet. b. The digestion and health improve naturally. 2. Vegetarian diet saves the planet’s ecosystems: a. Lower the demandRead More Vegetarian Essay example791 Words   |  4 Pages Vegetarians Growth problems. Animal population problems. Disease. These are all problems caused by being a vegetarian, that is, one who only eats vegetables. There are different degrees of being a vegetarian. To one extreme, is a person who eats nothing associated with animals (no yogurt, ice-cream, or even anything that has come in contact with meat or another animal). The opposite are those who just eat vegan most of the time and will still eat animal bi-products. Then there are othersRead MoreIs Vegetarianism Really A Healthy Diet?1652 Words   |  7 Pageseffect on the environment argue that the massive production of animal products for human consumption can lead to land degradation, water and air pollution, and even a change in climate. Academic research indicates that these detrimental effects accrue as we continue producing meat products.† I totally agree with the author and believe that vegetarianism can prevent many problems. Perhaps you may ask, â€Å"Is vegetarianism really a healthy diet?† Of course, vegetarianism can be a healthy diet if you followRead MoreBeing a Vegetarian536 Words   |  3 PagesBeing a Vegetarian Animals are my friends and I dont eat my friends. -George Bernard Shaw Vegetarianism used to be an unusual lifestyle choice. Today it is becoming more common and accepted by mainstream society. While there are many reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet, the most important are health reasons, environmental and economic reasons, and, above all, ethical reasons. Health reasons alone are sufficient grounds for becoming a vegetarian. Research has shown that we do notRead MoreLet s Save Some Lives !845 Words   |  4 Pagessave some lives! You might be asking yourself, â€Å"But how are we going to do that?† The answers is simple by becoming a vegetarian. If you’re like me and have ever thought of experimenting with vegetarianism, maybe as a full on lifestyle change or just to try vegetarianism out then this is the post for you. I am going to be sharing the information you need to about becoming a vegetarian and how to get started. What is vegetarianism? Vegetarian: people who don’t eat meat, fish, and chicken, they insteadRead MoreVegetarian Diets And Its Effects On The Life Cycle1087 Words   |  5 Pagescorrect planned vegetarian diet increases longevity and reduces the risk for major diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity. At the same time, date bases and researches that can provide reliable facts between differences in other diets, such as semi-vegetarian, Mediterranean, Paleo diet, etc. are very limited, and often use evidence selectively by given more credits for supporting argument and omitting less credible evidence. People who consciously adapt vegetarian lifestyle areRead MoreShould People Become Vegetarian?1066 Words   |  5 PagesShould people become vegetarian? Albert Einstein said, â€Å"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.† Nowadays, a growing number of vegetarians has been showed in many studies, such as a poll started by a nonprofit organization named Vegetarian Resource Group. It showed that United States has 6-8 million adults who do not eat poultry, meat, or fish (â€Å"Becoming a Vegetarian†, 2009, pp4). Much more people chooseRead MoreEveryone Shouldnt Be Vegetarian Essay1184 Words   |  5 Pagesthat Americans ate an average of 52.3 pounds of beef, 57.4 pounds of chicken and 43.5 pounds of pork per person.(citation?) Only 5% of Americans are vegetarians and with that much meat eaten by Americans, in one year alone why should you to forced to become vegetarian? With meat being the main staple in the Americans diet there is no reason we should take that of the table. That fact alone shows that most Americans’ diets ar e made up of meat sources. According to the United States Census Bureau (USCB)Read MoreEating Meat And Meat Poultry Animals1048 Words   |  5 Pages A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat poultry and fish. Vegetarians eat mainly fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, seeds and nuts. Vegetarians are classified into multiple categories, which is distinguished by their eating habits and choice of food. Lactovegetarians exclude meat, poultry, fish, and eggs from their diet, but include dairy products. Most vegetarians in the United States are Lacto-ovevegetarians, which exclude all meat, poultry, and fish. Although, they include eggs and dairyRead MoreEating Meat And Meat Poultry Animals1048 Words   |  5 Pages A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat poultry and fish. Vegetarians eat mainly fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, seeds and nuts. Vegetarians are classified into multiple categories, which is distinguished by their eating habits and choice of food. Lactovegetarians exclude meat, poultry, fish, and eggs from their diet, but include dairy products. Most vegetarians in the United States are Lacto-ovevegetarians, which exclude all meat, poultry, and fish. Although, they include eggs and dairy